Stolen MB 280SL

Dieses Thema im Forum "die Mercedes Benz „Pagode“" wurde erstellt von zurmac, 2. Juli 2007.

  1. zurmac

    zurmac Neues Mitglied

    8. August 2006
    Dear Pagoda lovers,

    Any help you might provide would be of great service. Possibly you could forward this on to the people that might be of most help.

    On the night of June 30, 2007 or the early morning of July 1, 2007, our 1968 Dark Green Mercedes Benz 280SL was stolen near Geneva at Chavannes-de-Bogis in Switzerland near Geneva. The car was locked and in the parking lot, the thieves do not have keys to the car as we have both sets. We believe the car was trailered away possibly to France.

    This was a North American Version car that bears distinct differences from the European version, specifically the interior with head rests and soft pouch map pockets on the doors..

    VIN:- 113 044 12 005 180
    Purchase order Number:- 8 701 1106
    Body Number:- 113 044 12 84 649
    MB Historical Certificate Number:- A02716

    Any assistance you may be able to provide would be very helpful. They may try to buy new locks and keys. The car was in Concours condition, photos are attached..

    Many thanks

    Contact the Swiss police or

    John and Trudi Macdonald
    Spycherweg 5
    6353 Weggis
    ------ End of Forwarded Message
Müller Classic Motors
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