Dutch 230 SL Pagode 1965 restoration project

Dieses Thema im Forum "Bildergalerie" wurde erstellt von EeVeeWee, 28. September 2018.

  1. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The complete underside and wheel arches have a layer of Body Gard now.
    It's paintable, so the complete body will get the same color.
    Just find a sheet metal worker/painter now to make it shiny again.




    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  2. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    I found an original tow bar mounting beam, I just have to drill some mounting holes and weld some spacers.
    At the second picture it is clear to see that the last owner had some terrible grit blasting been done.
    The dents were filled with bondo and also the bonnet is like this.
    So these aluminum parts must be made in the right curve again.
    Unfortunately not every sheet metal worker has that skills.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
    9h11e gefällt das.
  3. M127II

    M127II M127II

    21. April 2007
    What ...?
    Are all these dark (appearing) areas on your trunk lid dents??
    Unbelievable, that's terrible.:(:(
    Have you already talked about this to a good dent doctor?


  4. Rainer B

    Rainer B Aktives Mitglied

    7. Juni 2006
    Der Deckel ist nur noch gut für den Schrott
  5. Mrs. Candler

    Mrs. Candler Aktives Mitglied

    16. Januar 2018

    Was kostet ein guter gebrauchter Heckdeckel samt Anpassungsarbeiten?
    Vermutlich weniger als die Richtung dieses Meisterstückes, oder?

    What´s the price of an used trunk lid in good shape - incl. some bodywork for adjustment?
    Less high than fixing this lttle piece of art I guess.

    Mein Beileid / my deepest condolences

  6. schlüssellos

    schlüssellos Aktives Mitglied

    4. Februar 2009

    ich habe noch nie gesehen, dass das innere Verstärkungskreuz durch den Deckel zu sehen ist, wie hier.
    Was ist denn da passiert?
    Grüße, Felix
  7. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Hi Achim,

    Yes unfortunately the complete upper part is bent.
    I have found someone who is able to repair this, but it will take some hours.
  8. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Probably the previous owner had the tailgate been blasted with sand or grit.
    This causes too much strength and warmth. Then flattened with bondo.
  9. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The spacers for the fixing of the tow bar, have been welded in.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  10. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The transformation of the rear axle.
    Cleaned outside and inside and various parts renewed.
    There are more new parts ready to be completed again.




    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  11. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The sheet work will be made as smooth as possible, so a minimum of filler will be necessary.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  12. M127II

    M127II M127II

    21. April 2007
    Wow ... Eric,
    You'r really fast !
    Don'Tt you have a daytime job to do?
    Or have you already done all the work presented above (and even much more) long ago in the past and only present the ongoing process here now one after the other?
    very, very well done!
    Keep on the excellent work!
  13. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    I have a full time job (4 times 9 hours a week), but I'm free at Wednesday for the restoration.
    Also at Tuesday evening, Thursday evening and Sunday afternoon I'm working on it.
    So at this moment, the 5 months I have this 230 SL, there are already 300 hours used, including the help from others. :)
  14. heinrichB

    heinrichB Aktives Mitglied

    24. Februar 2009
    Leider reicht mein Englisch nicht. Die Nutzung dieser Federspanner ist gefährlich kriminell.
    MartinK, Rainer B und Sead gefällt das.
  15. MartinK

    MartinK schraubt hemdsärmelig

    19. Mai 2012
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21. Februar 2019
  16. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Which one is not safe according you?
    This one:


    Or this one:

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  17. MartinK

    MartinK schraubt hemdsärmelig

    19. Mai 2012

    The first one on the rear axle in message #71 and the first one in message #77. Extremly dangerous!

    I recommend not to use those outer tensioner. The second one in message #77 is safe and correct. Thanks. :banane:

  18. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    A lot of the small parts have become like new again.




    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  19. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The brake adjusting plates had to be fixed at the pins again.
    I made a tool to press the spring together with the plate in position.
    After welding I grinded off the excess material.
    And finally put this side in the paint.




    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  20. M127II

    M127II M127II

    21. April 2007
    Very well done ...!
Müller Classic Motors
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