Dutch 230 SL Pagode 1965 restoration project

Dieses Thema im Forum "Bildergalerie" wurde erstellt von EeVeeWee, 28. September 2018.

  1. Tobi

    Tobi Aktives Mitglied

    26. April 2005
    hallo eric,
    i have no clue from where in the netherlands you are, but i'm in antwerp/belgium. so should you have any questions, i knwo the SL quite well - i had mine for more than 25 years and have seen a lot.

    as a first advise, keep the cushin of the steering wheel in a very safe place - the new ones are not nice and not in line with the original look. if you have yours, keep it and just replace the artifisial leather with a new one.

    the nwe ones don't have the outer chrome ring and a far rougher surface. the look is terrible....

    i'll send you a p/n with my email. i speak dutch so ik kan wel in het nederlands helpen indien gewenst :)
    EeVeeWee und ursodent gefällt das.
  2. Tobi

    Tobi Aktives Mitglied

    26. April 2005
  3. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Hi Tobi,

    Thank you for the tip of the soft top!
    It's put in a cabinet and may stay there for a while before I can use it again. ;-)
  4. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Today I brought the Pagode to Germany, for complete blasting.

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  5. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The renewal of the rubber parts of the rear axle seems sensible to me.




    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
    fbe gefällt das.
  6. Tobi

    Tobi Aktives Mitglied

    26. April 2005
    This is how the new cushion looks like. Copied from eBay. If you compare to your original I’m sure you prefer to restore rather than replacing it.


  7. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    OK thank you! I will try to let it be renewed with the original leather indeed.
  8. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    It gives a lot of satisfaction to make some parts shiny again.
    But some parts really have to be renewed. ;D





    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  9. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Unfortunately I think it's not easy te let the vinyl be renewed, it has a very difficult shape.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 24. November 2018
  10. mbzse

    mbzse Aktives Mitglied

    24. Dezember 2004
    The Factory never had any leather cover on this steering wheel pad. Always MB Tex (vinyl)
  11. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    I continued with disassembling of the front axle, a dirty job.



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  12. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The steering wheel is partly finished.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
    Tobi gefällt das.
  13. bradl

    bradl Aktives Mitglied

    26. September 2008
    Hi Eric,
    looks very nice !
    With a bit of own work you can make things done very well.
    Which color and filler did you use here.
    Remember there are some specials for Steeringwheels.

    Go on
  14. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    After a lot of sanding, I filled the cracks with Milliput, that's an epoxy putty.
    Then sanding in the right shape.
    After spraying in the color (a found a color which came close to the original color, so no special), it's also sprayed in clear varnish.
    My first impression is that it's not to smooth, it feels good.
  15. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The front axle is complete disassembled now.
    I want to powder coat a lot of the parts.
    Much cleaning has been done, but I still have to sort all the small parts.





    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
    Sead gefällt das.
  16. Sead

    Sead Aktives Mitglied

    16. Februar 2016
    Hello Eric,
    can you make a drawing with dimensions of this part?


    coca-light gefällt das.
  17. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    I made several pictures of the part: IMG_20181203_100036.jpg IMG_20181203_100222.jpg IMG_20181203_100308.jpg IMG_20181203_100335.jpg IMG_20181203_100348.jpg IMG_20181203_100440.jpg
    coca-light, ursodent und Sead gefällt das.
  18. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    All these parts will get new chrome.
    Still looking for some small chrome parts.

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
  19. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The parts of the front suspension have been powder coated and several new parts have arrived.
    Finally I can build something. :)

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
    coca-light, Cephyr und rolf230 gefällt das.
  20. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The bolts, nuts and rings of the front suspension have been yellow passivated, what a difference!
    I just started with rebuilding of the front suspension.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 28. April 2019
    coca-light, 9h11e, ursodent und 2 anderen gefällt das.
Müller Classic Motors
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