I don’t speak German . Can I be member of the forum ?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Allgemeines - Innenraum, Pflege und Wartung" wurde erstellt von Mauro1291, 29. April 2024.

  1. Mauro1291

    Mauro1291 Aktives Mitglied

    5. Juni 2023
    Hi folks . I’m from Italy and as you can understand I do not speak German but I would like to be part of the pagoda family as well . Can I be member of the forum ? I’m already full member since 2017 of the pagoda sl group forum (sl113.org). I own a 250SL 1967 with the 5speed zf manual transmission. Thank you all .
    Best Regards
    Mauro Pisani
  2. Mauro1291

    Mauro1291 Aktives Mitglied

    5. Juni 2023
    3AFE2206-5615-4F5F-95AD-530AD1848BCA.jpeg 266D5B88-B38A-4143-952C-B1214768A3E6.jpeg 28C9D8C0-B975-48D0-B172-5CA0BD1EDCF0.jpeg 268AE8D0-9ABB-4697-A037-D58C2E53478E.jpeg
  3. d.Hahn

    d.Hahn Aktives Mitglied Mitarbeiter Administrator

    20. November 2003
    Hello Mauro, a warm welcome. By registering in our forum you are already part of our community.
    We are happy to answer your questions about the Pagoda, but we are a German-speaking forum
    and it would be nice if you could write your posts in German.
    You are welcome to use a translation program, we know how to correct the few linguistic errors.

    Best regards
  4. DanKe

    DanKe Aktives Mitglied

    11. Mai 2020
    Hallo Mauro

    A welcome from a Swiss German too.

    Best regards
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 1. Mai 2024
  5. majus

    majus mag 60er Jahre Mercedes

    22. Mai 2005
    Ciao Mauro,

    another welcome from a Swiss German :) happy to help with translations in case the deepl or google translate is not sufficient.

Müller Classic Motors
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