Dutch 230 SL Pagode 1965 restoration project

Dieses Thema im Forum "Bildergalerie" wurde erstellt von EeVeeWee, 28. September 2018.

  1. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Here are the first pictures of my new project, the restoration of a Mercedes-Benz 230 SL Pagode (Pagoda) from 1965.
    It's imported from Texas, USA and I'm not sure yet but it seems it still has the original paint.
    At least the engine is till original.
    Unfortunately the paint has already been sanded and many parts have been removed from the car, I bought the car like this.
    It is certain that I won't use the 30 years old tires any more. ;D
    But a nice surprise was that the soft top is in a good shape.






    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
    tommyx79, coca-light und Sead gefällt das.
  2. rema350SL-H

    rema350SL-H Aktives Mitglied

    20. Juni 2013
    High "anonymous" ;),
    big deal.
    Regarding the original colour/paint, you can find it on the painting plate on the left site of the engine compartment. It seems to me that it is no. 387: dark blue metallic? Thats the colour of my Pagoda.
    Good luck for your project.
  3. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018

    The paint color is 332 G, so dark blue.
    But what I meant is that it seems the car has not been repainted yet.
    And my name is Eric. ;)


  4. rema350SL-H

    rema350SL-H Aktives Mitglied

    20. Juni 2013
    Sorry Eric,
    I didn't read the other thread yet.
  5. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    I inspected the bottom of the car and there were several suspicious spots but they appeared OK (only surface rust).
    There seem to be four places with holes.
    At both rears of the sills (the common place), a small one at the front of the left sill and a hole in the bottom behind the drivers seat. With these results I am reasonably satisfied, I can weld them myself.
    But as a nice surprise I saw there is power steering!
    That was not ordered new, as I saw at the papers.







    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  6. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Continuing with removing parts form the car.
    It seems the transparent plastic can be cleaned.



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
    coca-light gefällt das.
  7. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The disassembly continues.
    Let's hope I can get all the parts at the right place again some day. ;D


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  8. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Continuing with demounting the dashboard parts.



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
    Cephyr gefällt das.
  9. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    To remove the exhaust pipes from the manifold was not easy, they were really stuck.
    I used a bolt to press between the flanges and then they got loose.
    The exhaust itself has had its best time. ;D
    Furthermore the rubber around the front window was not flexible anymore, it just snapped at several placed.
    Without the rubber I discovered some hidden screws.
    After all they were some useful hours.



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  10. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The rubber of the air valve has once been better I guess. ;D
    Today I started with welding of a small piece of steel plate in the floor.

    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  11. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The floor is closed again, two small holes have been welded.
    Immediately after grinding the bare metal has been put in a layer of zinc primer.
    Continuing with removing all parts from the engine compartment.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  12. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    Today I removed the engine from the car and cleaned the inside of the engine room.
    It has become a nice collection of separate parts in the garage already.



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  13. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The gearbox and drive shaft are also unscrewed from the car.


    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
    Günnipagode gefällt das.
  14. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The steering device also has to be removed.
    And I invented an anti-gravity force!
    So the front axle isn't necessary any more. ;D



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
    Cephyr gefällt das.
  15. Ulli

    Ulli Altbenzlenker

    3. April 2004

    so, wie auf dem Foto zu sehen, sollte man eine Hinterachse nicht demontieren, geschweige denn lagern. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn aufgrund der nicht ausgebauten Querfeder die beiden Achshälften so weit eingeknickt wurden, dass das Schiebestück Schaden genommen hat.


    1964 sl gefällt das.
  16. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    OK eine der ersten Reaktionen ist sofort köstlich konstruktiv.
    Vielen Dank.
  17. schlüssellos

    schlüssellos Aktives Mitglied

    4. Februar 2009
    Ich finde Ullis Hinweis schon konstruktiv und das ganz ohne Ironie!

    Zumindest hilft er Anderen, die sich ebenfalls an diese Arbeit machen wollen, oder?

    Grüße, Felix
  18. Ulli

    Ulli Altbenzlenker

    3. April 2004
    Hallo, Felix,

    ich glaube, so war es auch gemeint. Es ist sicher der Übersetzung geschuldet.


    Rainer B und ursodent gefällt das.
  19. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    I admit that the new suspension is a bit strange. ;D
    There are al lot of chromed parts at a Pagode.
    And apart from the front bumper, I do not even know if everything is complete.



    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
  20. EeVeeWee

    EeVeeWee Aktives Mitglied

    21. September 2018
    The valve of the heat exchanger in the dashboard was stuck.
    With removing it, unfortunately the pipe of the heat exchanger broke loose, despite a lot of penetrating oil.
    So I removed a lot of more parts form the dashboard.
    After that, I already started with disassembly of the rear axle.




    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 27. April 2019
Müller Classic Motors
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